Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Blog Post 3

For this week I have made some progress on mapping data onto my map. I have added recent earthquakes and where they are located as well as a possible fire hazard zone. I am not completely sure if I will keep the fire hazard data up, I don’t want the map to look to busy and have it be hard to interpret.
For the upcoming week I will be finding new data on earth fissures and fault lines as the last set of data I downloaded didn’t work and was possibly corrupted. I will be also adding a scale bar, a title and a start a legend that contains all the hazards I have mapped so far.


  1. Hi Amber!
    I think your project idea is very interesting and will be a useful tool in assessing some major hazards in Arizona. Your map looks good so far, and I am interested to see the new earth fissure and fault line data you plan to add next!

  2. Amber, I would suggest possibly clipping your data to make it so the red points are only shown within the boundaries of Arizona, because this could possibly confuse the reader since your map is specifically about the Arizona hazards, and not other states! Let me know if you have trouble with this, as I could try to assist you in clipping the unneeded data.


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